Harvesting is becoming more common now, and we had another dinner mostly from the veg plot tonight.
We had more calabrese. The heads aren’t the biggest, but it’s not the end of the world as they all seem to be ready at once anyhow, so cutting two isn’t going to leave us with a shortage.
I’m sure in previous years they’ve grown additional small heads from the leaf axils after the main head has been cut, but there’s no sign of any additional growth in this one, so it might be that I end up removing them all and replanting something else. Possibly leeks.
We also had some more baby carrots from thinnings of my second planting. All the carrots are still under mesh and will stay that way until I lift them in the autumn. I think I might need wider mesh for next year though.
And just a couple of photos from the rest of the plot. These are the beetroot that we’ve started harvesting.
And the sweet corn. It’s not as tall as I’d hope for at this point, but looking at fields of maize being grown for animal feed nearby, they’re no further forward either.