My first ever images of the Sun.
1st September
White light image taken using a Canon 450D and 127 Mak with Baader Solar Film. I took sixty images of 1/1000th sec @ ISO400 and stacked the JPEG images in Registax, adding the false colour added in Photoshop.
3rd September
White light image taken using a Canon 450D and 127 Mak with Baader Solar Film. This time 120 frames, of 1/1000th sec @ ISO400 and stacked the JPEG images in Registax. False colour added in Photoshop.
5th September
White light image taken using a Canon 450D and 127 Mak with Baader Solar Film. This time 120 frames, of 1/1000th sec @ ISO400 and stacked the JPEG images in Registax. False colour added in Photoshop. The seeing was quite poor for this one and it was quite a windy day.
7th September
The results of my experiments of different stacking methods, this one is the result of stacking 54 of 120 frames preprocessed with PIPP in Registax v6. Otherwise it’s the same as the previous ones.
13th September
18th September
19th September
22nd September
29th September