My first ever images of the Moon.
4th September
Taken just after midnight, four days after full moon. Taken using a Canon 450D and 127 Mak at prime focus. I took 94 images of 1/1000th sec @ ISO400 and stacked the JPEG images in Registax. I wanted to take more frames, but cloud intervened
5th September
The moon is starting to rise quite late now and is obscured by the house and trees until about 1am. That does mean it is still in the sky in the morning however, so I decided to try then. Unfortunately this particular morning I managed eight frames before the cloud drifted in and obscured the moon until it had reached the safety of the trees. So, eight frames of 1/500th sec @ ISO200, JPEGs stacked in Registax and tweaked in Photoshop for a little more contrast.
6th September
Another daytime image. Processing the same as the previous one.
29th September
An absolute pig to process, this one, and not taken when the Moon is at it’s most interesting because of the lack of contrast at full moon, but I think my best image so far…