I wasn’t feeling particularly great on my way to the pool today. I’ve not slept particularly well for a couple of nights and felt a bit feverish and not entirely with it this morning. Had to try to keep the momentum going though, so I resolved to do what I could and if I had to drop out early then that’s just the way it goes. And it was with a new set, too:
- 400m f/c warm-up
- 24 x 50m f/c, target time 50s, turnaround 75s
- 200m swim down
The warm-up felt like hard work, but I stuck with it and was mostly completing the reps in the 48s which I didn’t expect. By the time I’d done sixteen without a failure I was thinking that perhaps I’d be able to make it through to the end, though it was starting to get quite tough and my breathing was getting a little ragged. My times dropped into the 49s a few times and the reps became increasingly tough, but by the time I’d reached twenty I was determined to hang in there.
And I’m pleased to report that I did 🙂 Not to mention a little amazed that having taken ten attempts to complete the previous set with a target of 50.5s, I’ve done this one on 50s at the first time of asking. Unquestionably, this is the fastest I have ever swum.
So, I need to focus and have a think about what I do next. Doing some shorter sprint work would definitely be fun, but I need to keep the total time for the set under control too. Something to ponder on for tomorrow (hopefully).
USRPT distance this year: 104,150m
Total distance this year: 106,700m