Finally it appears that the weather is picking up a bit here and I was able to spend all of this afternoon weeding the veggie beds. It’s crazy how the weeds are growing. I managed to get two and a half beds done, including lifting all the volunteer potatoes I came across and separating out small “new potatoes” from the plants (some of which I then had for dinner 😀
It’s going to be a fair bit of work to get the rest of the beds done, but it needs doing before I start planting out everything that’s waiting in the greenhouse — there’s so much to go in. I even still have compost to spread because it’s been so wet for so long.
The asparagus is doing well though. We’ve had several more picks of that. On the not so good side I think the perennial kale has succumbed to the combined attentions of the deer and caterpillars late last Autumn. I guess I’ll be replacing it with something later in the year. And it’s now time for the remaining leeks to come out I think. They’re starting to go hard in the middle where the scapes are forming now they want to flower, so I don’t think there’s much more eating there.