I stopped by an apiary this evening to find out what state it was in and how much work was required. The brambles were starting to encroach a bit at the end of last Summer and I’d decided to take some tools down and clear up a bit.
I was greatly surprised therefore to find that someone has been in over the winter and very heavily trimmed back the hedges and brambles and taken down some small trees. There’s so much more space and it all looks much tidier. Saves me a fair bit of work 😀
The hives are next to a water pumping station that I was given the impression (by the landowner) was out of use. That would now appear not to be the case. I feel guilty now though because the hives are between the pumping station and half a dozen manholes, so the manhole covers are all in the flight path of the hives. I might now have to go and have a chat with the owners about moving them forward so people can work there safely without getting in the way of the bees.
The hives face south and are in full Sun. Even after 6pm there was plenty of activity at the entrances (unlike my home colonies which face south-east and had already called it a day) apart from one colony which was a swarm from a bait hive last year. Bees were returning to the hive, but few and far between. I’ll find out what’s going on there tomorrow.