I’ve been looking for a new apiary site somewhere nearby and the owners of local property have offered me space in an area they can’t really use alongside this south-facing pasture.
Access isn’t perfect, but not bad — the actual site is to the right of the photo at the top of a gentle slope and the gate is behind me so it’s not very far to carry kit which I can then lift over the fence.
Unfortunately I then have to walk down to the gate which is partially obscured by the post in the centre of the photo, and then back up again. Still, it’s just me so not a major hardship. I’ve set up two bait hives on the site to see if I can catch a swarm: I know there are feral bees living in the roof of some offices nearby (I’ve offered to try to do something about that, but the owners insist that it isn’t a problem. Hah!)