The mince pies have all disappeared, so today’s session was fuelled by a chocolate brownie 🙂
I could tell as I was warming up that my arms still felt a bit tired from yesterday. I think my body must have been making some serious adjustments overnight as I ended up having to put the fan on to keep comfortable in bed despite the bedroom being quite cool. I could feel the increased temperature in my shoulders and lats. Because of that I wasn’t expecting too much. As it turned out there were positives and negatives.
Overall I was a little slower than yesterday for both my 50m and 25m reps, but only by an average of about three quarters of a second and 0.3 of a second respectively. I also failed one rep earlier in the 50m set than yesterday, but it was my only failure of the entire session whereas I had two yesterday. My 50m times were also very consistent — close to my best ever — and my 25m times were the most consistent I’ve ever been when there was time to swim the full set.
So, overall I’m not unhappy and I think it bodes well for future sessions. Not tomorrow though. My shoulders really do need a bit of rest now 🙂