Another day of weather that was generally too unpleasant to want to be outside in. Whilst it was at times beautifully sunny and warm, within ten minutes that could turn into horizontal rain, and often did 🙁
I restricted myself therefore to putting in the stakes to support the peas that need planting out, and effectively completing the conversion of the plot to “no dig” by spreading compost where the purple sprouting broccoli used to be until I harvested the last of it this weekend. I now need that space for sweet corn, which may wait a week or so to go out if I need it to, but I also have Uchiki Kuri squashes ready to go out around them and they really do need to be planted out very soon.
Unfortunately it looks as though the weather is going to be very similar tomorrow. I might try to get some of the brassicas and radishes planted out and covered by fleece just to keep the wind off them for a while. The peas really do need to go out, but they’re so tall now that the wind will be a real problem. I need calmer weather for that.
And speaking of radishes, I sowed another batch, four seeds to a cell of a 20-cell tray.