High time I planted out my first batches of beetroot and spinach, today. These were sown on 5th February with a few additional seeds sown on 19th February to make up for the fact that germination wasn’t brilliant. The beetroot were sown four seeds to a cell and the spinach three seeds to a cell. Where the beetroot germinated more than four seedlings, I thinned them back down to four.
For the beetroot I dibbed holes in the compost on a 12″/30cm grid and dropped the plants from the cells into the holes. Again I wasn’t really happy with the size of the cell. Having done it a few times I really do now think that the 5cm-ish cells are too large for this process.
The spinach was the same, but on an 10″/25cm grid.
Once planted I watered all the plants in and covered them with fleece as despite the weather being warm enough to wear shorts, it is possible that we may still have frosts for the next few weeks and the fleece should give the plants a little protection from the cold.