Another late session, and just before I left we got the news that we will be in a tier four Covid restrictions area from tomorrow, so that’s swimming over with for an unspecified period of time 🙁 Very disappointed about that, but there are lots of people with problems far greater than mine so I guess I have little cause for complaint.
Same set as yesterday as there was no point changing things for this last swim. The 50m set was an improvement on yesterday with mostly 48s reps, a few 47s, two 49s and one 50s reps (and a 46s rep to start, but the first one is always a bit quicker). I was happy with that.
The 25m set was quite a surprise. I managed twelve reps and all were below 20s. I know I’ve not managed that since our first national lockdown ended, so was very pleased. My interval times may have been a second or two off on the even reps because the hands had fallen off one of the pace clocks at some point during the previous twenty-three hours and my view of the other one is awkward from the deep end of the pool, but it wasn’t really anything significant.
So, a bitter-sweet end to the day. I’ve no idea what happens now other than that I certainly won’t be able to swim for the next fortnight and I’d not be surprised if we remain in tier four for a fair bit longer than that, quite possibly four or even six weeks in total. If the new strain looks like it’s not coming under control very easily then I’d not be surprised if it were March before I’m back in the pool again. I’m going to need to find some other way to keep fit in the meantime.