No dig polytunnel #3

It’s been a while waiting for the peppers to finish so I can remove more of the edged beds from the polytunnel, but I’m finally there and that’s what I’ve been doing over the last couple of days as time allows. It’s still a bit like those sliding block puzzles, in that I need some more compost moved in to replace the beds so that I can then move plants from the remaining edged beds and get rid of them, but it’s progress. Of the eight original beds only one now remains.

I’ve set up a board to mark the edge of the next bed (two feet six inches/75cm from the long side of the polytunnel — it’s an imperial size tunnel) in the cleared area.

I’ll remove that once the compost is in place — I’m not intending to have any wooden edging in the new layout.

This wider shot covers the area where the wood chip path of the same width will run down the side of the bed and then there will be a four feet (1.2m) bed down the middle of the tunnel that I’ll make once the final edged bed is gone (which is just visible in the bottom left of the frame together with one of the plants that needs to be moved).

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