Building an observatory. Construction #70

Gorgeous day today, though it started a little chilly despite the sunshine. I mowed around the observatory and did some prep work for laying the foam tiles, and as suggested by other observatory builders used some off-cuts of EPDM to close off the gaps between the piers and the floor (though I haven’t fixed them down yet):

Because it was such a lovely day I had the roof rolled back and I thought I’d get a picture of the mounts “in situ”.

And between doing other jobs I started to move some things down to the observatory to clear space in the house, which has involved finding some things I’d pretty much forgotten I had, they’ve been stored so long whilst we’ve been doing work on the house. I’m still not quite sure how I have so many of these.

Need to give the locking bolts a bit of a clean-up before they go back onto mounts. There’s some corrosion around the threads on all of them and one is particularly bad. Might need to look into something I can put on them to help prevent the dew getting to them that isn’t likely to get spread around places I’d rather it wasn’t.

Disappointingly though, my floor tiles were due to arrive “by 8pm today” and there is no sign of them as yet 🙁 It seems unlikely I’ll get them this weekend now. Looks like I might be sealing more of the floor whilst I wait.

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