The weather this weekend has been quite unpleasant, with rain most of Saturday and high winds (cold ones, too) until sunset on Sunday, but this afternoon I did manage to get just a little done on the observatory, whilst dodging the sleet and ice showers.
My first job was to finish off the ducting under the floor of the warm room. That was all fairly drama-free and now I have six ducts, two for each pier.
After that I cut some battens to run along the joists in the warm room and fixed them in place, then cut lengths of 9mm ply to fit between the joists and rest on the battens. This will, I hope, discourage some of the local wildlife from picking at the insulation which I am going to lay on top of the ply before cutting the final 18mm sheet of ply for the floor.
That was pretty much all there was time for, particularly as handling large sheet materials such as the insulation and the flooring ply really wasn’t going to be practical in such windy conditions. It’s good to see the floor so near completion though. That will make life so much easier.