Very quiet in the pool today, unlike my previous visit. And a new set to attempt as well:
400m front crawl warm-up
25 x 50m front crawl, target time 50s, rest interval 25s
200m front crawl swim down
I was expecting this one to be tough, and it was. I can’t complain about how it went though. I had a few 47s to start, then generally a mix of 48s and 49s. My first failure was on rep 17, so I sat out 18 and restarted on 19. I had one more failure on rep 22, but finished the remainder of the set without another.
Overall I’m not disappointed. I’d say it was a pretty decent first attempt and I’m quite looking forward to having another go.
USRPT distance this year: 73,050m
Total distance this year: 171,150m