Incubating eggs, Day 29

No longer incubating of course, but about a week after they hatched the chicks are in a larger area to give them space to run around whilst they’re under the heat lamp. In all we had twenty-one hatch, but sadly one of the female Cream Legbar chicks appeared to have some sort of problem with one of her legs leaving her unable to stand up and I was forced to put her out of her misery.

The remaining twenty however are doing well, with wing feathers well developed and tail feathers starting to show.

In the foreground here are two of the White Leghorns, with a male Cream Legbar in the centre towards the back, peering over the Marans.

And on the left here with the stripe across the eye are two of the female Cream Legbar chicks.

They’ll stay where they are for a few weeks now until they’re ready to face the big wide world without a heat lamp and are big enough to be safe from predators that we can’t keep out of their main run. I’ll take some more photos in a few days time.

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