The Messier objects in Auriga were some of the first I ever saw through a telescope and it took me ages to find them with my ST80, so I’ve been itching to get a nice wide field view of them for some time. This is a stack of four minute exposures from my Canon 450D with the kit EF-S 18-55mm lens at about 36mm focal length, combined with darks.
This is the full frame. A tighter crop of M36, M37 and M38 is in the Wide Field images section.
The Beehive cluster in Cancer is another of my favourites, but there’s also a bonus of M67 in the bottom of the frame in this one. Same camera as above, but with the 50mm f/1.8 “nifty fifty” lens. Unfortunately the Moon got in on the act with this one and it’s just not as dark as I’d like.