Let’s have a little jig

One the rain started this morning, I retired to the workshop for the day.

I was casting around for things to do when I realised that I had sufficient bits to make two more fat dummies, so I got those done. Given that I’m using four per hive in the general case, taking the opportunity to add to my collection certainly can’t hurt.

I’m quite possibly going to need more super frames shortly, too. But making them is such a faff. So, as I already have a brood frame jig, I thought I’d make one for constructing the super frames (I use Manleys). I had a dig about in the scrap pile and turned up some bits of ply and pine that I thought should do the job. A bit of sawing, gluing and screwing later and I have this.

Obviously I had to take it for a test drive, so I grabbed twenty side bars and ran a bead of glue through the channel at the top.

And then slotted them into the jig, making sure they were all the right way around.

Top bars are put in place and gently seated with a mallet if required.

Then out comes the nailer/stapler and the top bars are stapled into place.

Turn the whole thing over

Fit one of the bottom bars in place and nail it.

Then pull out the retaining bars and they’re done.

If I were making the frames foundationless then I’d probably fit both bottom bars and staple them in place. For the moment though, I have foundation to use up.

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