At last today I’ve been able to get access to my account details once again. Possibly I could have done earlier, but no-one has actually bothered to inform me of the fact. I just had to try it after the three working days that they wanted to be able to fix the problem were up.
And having seen my last bill it appears the reason that it is so out of whack with previous bills is that they have applied a load of refunds because of a change in their billing. I’d have thought that someone could have actually told me that when I said that I didn’t understand why the amount was so inconsistent with previous bills. It’s not as though they actually took the time to explain any changes to me when the billing was changed, after all.
This has all been such an unimpressive episode. I know they’ve paused the project to replace copper lines with fibre because of the issues for people who need a phone to work when they have no power (which they were told would be a problem years ago), but come the time when most people have high-bandwidth internet connections to the property, making wifi calling for multiple phones feasible for just about everyone and meaning that they can transfer their land line numbers to other VoIP providers, I can see BT losing a lot of customers.