Because I think I might need to 😀
Today has been possibly one of the most grim days weatherwise that I can recall here. My wife apparently woke up to blue skies and (unforecast) frost. By the time I’d dragged myself into consciousness it was raining. And raining. And raining a bit more. Oh, and some fairly serious winds, too. Mid-morning the gutters had given up any pretence of trying to cope with the volume of water and it was just pouring over the tops. I went outside to check nothing was too much amiss and discovered a small stream running down the drive and into the workshop. A gully that was dry but muddy yesterday was perhaps 45cm (a foot and a half) full of rainwater. Despite the fact that we live on the side of a hill and there’s really no level ground at all, water was just sitting on top of the soil 🙁
Like I said, grim.
Most of my day seems to have been spent putting the cover back on the cheapo polytunnel (four times, I think) and trying to work out how to make it stay put. More on that another time.
Now of course we have clear sky (at least partly), but it’s all good because more rain is forecast tomorrow. What a relief we’re not heading for a drought.