Wot no swimming?

Well, no 🙁

My local swimming pool is having a huge amount of work done to make the building more efficient in terms of energy use. I believe that includes entirely replacing the roof. Whilst some of the smaller spaces are not available for periods of a few weeks or a couple of months, the pool is closed for the entire duration of the work which started in mid-November 2023 and is planned to be finished (so who knows?) in mid-July 2024. There is another pool I could go to, but it’s probably a twenty-five mile round trip and would take over an hour. And the pool is stupidly shallow. At the deep end it is 1.5m and at the shallow end if I stop and try to pull my knees up underneath me they hit the floor. It’s so shallow that if I sit on a float on the bottom of the pool at the shallow end my head is sufficiently far out of the water that I can breathe.

But as it happens much of this is moot anyhow, because I don’t have a car right now. Someone drove their tractor out of a blind field entrance and remodelled the side of the car with his front-loader (there’s another story). The insurers wrote the car off and I’ve not yet found a replacement. So I can’t get to the pool anyhow unless I fancy cycling, which I don’t.

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