What is it with all the brain-dead cretins who say “I don’t use the NHS, so why should I pay for it?” (through taxation, basically).
Perhaps they wouldn’t use the NHS given time to plan, but if they have a heart-attack or are involved in a road accident or (perish the thought) part of a building falls on their head, who will it be that comes out to scrape them up and deliver them to A&E where some frankly astonishing NHS staff (yes, I’ve had a visit myself recently) will try to put them back together? Perhaps they’d prefer that no-one bothered. Sometimes I think that’s not an outcome that would distress me too much.
Not only that, but who pays for the medical care of all those people on whom their selfish little lives depend? The shop-workers, bin-men (bin-people?), plumbers, electricians, farmers and people with myriad other skills that they don’t have and without whom their own lives would be even more miserable, or, more probably, short.
The same applies to schools: “I don’t have children so I shouldn’t have to pay for schools”. Gah! Sounds like you yourself didn’t go to one that taught you to think.
Taxation isn’t about paying for what you directly get out of the system. It’s about paying for a society that works (and yes, I’m well aware of the arguments to be made that right now, it’s not working very well) and supports everyone. So fine, if you don’t want to contribute, go off and live in your ivory tower (but build it yourself so you’re not employing the services of anyone who needs the services that our taxes pay for). Or you could just grow up.