Ages back I decided that I was going to try to teach myself to play piano. Sadly it all fell by the wayside for reasons I don’t really understand. Possibly the lack of progress to a standard where it became possible to play something vaguely interesting just got to me in the end.
Giving up isn’t really in my nature however (my wife describes it as “being stubborn” :D), so last October I started again and was doing rather better until early December when I (and my daughter oddly enough) caught some sort of infection that affected our inner ear and sense of balance which really messed me up a fair bit. It was rather like being very drunk, but without the expense and the hangover. It was very strange for a while. I recall at one point standing at the top of the stairs and being unable to work out how to get down them in the full knowledge that if I tried to step down normally I’d end up in a heap at the bottom.
Then in the latter half of January I developed a quite unpleasant case of cellulitis that has taken a while recover from fully, but now I’m ready to go again so I’ll take a few steps back and try to pick everything up as quickly as possible.