Today I have been sowing more peas for shoots and radishes, peas for, err, peas, sugar snap peas and a few flowers (nasturtiums and cosmos), until I ran out of seed compost, so sieving some more is now on my list. I would have done it this afternoon, but the weather has been miserable 🙁
The greenhouse is starting to fill up now.
I also lifted the remaining parsnips as they’re starting to produce leaves again.
The peas, broad beans and radishes that I sowed a few weeks back are now in need of transplanting, so that’s on the list for this week. Some of the mustards and other leaves in the polytunnel are also pushing up flower stalks, so they can go on the compost heap and the peas and radishes can go in their place.
Lots of the winter brassicas are clearly also thinking about flowering and I suspect we only have a week or two left for the sprouts and curly kale. The few remaining beetroot might get turned into soup. I shall be researching what we might be able to do with the sprouts, swede, parsnips and leeks. I don’t think I’ve ever managed to grow enough before that we started to come out of winter with vegetables still in the garden. Could be a bit of a gap now though, until this year’s are ready to harvest.