Things have been quite slow recently because of the weather. I have lots of plants waiting to be planted out, but we’re still getting frosts overnight and the air temperature is even getting below freezing in the early hours of the morning quite often.
I did take some time to do some sowing today however. I sowed another tray each of cornflowers and calendula, mostly because I had the seed left over rather than because I have any specific plan for them. I also multi-sowed the next batches of beetroot and spring onions. Winter cabbages (“Tundra” and another variety whose name escapes me for the moment) I sowed in trays, two or three seeds to a cell. I’ll then them to a single seedling once they’ve germinated. The last thing to go in module trays was celery. I’ve never had much success growing celery, but I’m determined to give it another crack.
Outside I added three more rows of carrots. The first six rows (sown three rows at a time, three and six weeks ago) all appear to be doing well under the fleece. I noticed whilst getting this all done that the parsnips have also germinated which is pleasing.
That was all I really wanted to do outdoors with the prospect of another cold night to come. I may try to catch up with some planting out tomorrow.