On 27th March I sowed a single twenty-cell module tray, half with a second sowing of calabrese and half with spring cabbage. Whilst the calabrese have germinated well, there’s no sign of the cabbages yet, so I decided to sow another tray full in case there is something wrong with the first batch. Same method again — three seeds per cell, to be thinned to a single one if several germinate.
I also sowed a tray of multi-sown spring onions, with around ten seeds per cell.
Both of these can sit in the greenhouse to germinate and we’ll see how things go.
The dill and coriander sown on 20th February is starting to reach a reasonable size, so I’ve planted some of them in the polytunnel in the space where I previously had radishes. The rest will go out in the main plot, but they can wait until the current cold spell is over which looks like it could be at least a week.
There has been some action in the main plot though. I removed the mesh cloches over the broad beans as the plants are getting too tall. Around each double row I’ve put in stakes and run a few strings between them to give the beans a bit of support in the wind.