I had a pleasantly uneventful drive to and from the pool today. My target was to repeat Tuesday’s performance and swim reps of 50m in under 55s, leaving the wall every 80 seconds. It wasn’t easy and I felt a bit lacking in energy, but I kept up the pace and managed to keep going right to the end. Very pleased with that, though for some strange reason my legs feel quite tired now. Must be pushing off the wall in the turns, I think.
So, I’m going to have to think of something new to do tomorrow. I could just switch to leaving the wall every 1’15s and try to get the swim time gradually faster, but I’d like to do some more sprint work, so I might do 24 reps of 50m leaving the wall every 1’15s, then have a bit of a rest — perhaps pootle up and down a few lengths of kick with a float, and finish off with 16 reps of 25m leaving the wall every 45s. I reckon I should be able to make 20s for each length but without trying it I really don’t know. It’ll certainly scare the bejaysus out of anyone in the fast lane taking 40s a length 😀