Swimming, 29th March 2019

Off to the pool today not really knowing what to expect. After yesterday’s set went so well it might have been another really good session. On the other hand perhaps that was just a flash in the pan. The set was:

  • 400m f/c warm-up
  • 24 x 50m f/c, target 51s, turnaround 75s
  • 200m swim down

As it turned out, I wasn’t able to reproduce yesterday’s form. I felt tired from the start and really couldn’t find the power in my arms. By rep six I’d already failed once, had another on rep ten and then managed a bit of a recovery before finally bombing out on rep twenty-one.

Not a great day, but such is the way of USRPT. I shall return to the pool next time with the target of doing better. I guess I did at least manage to hit 80km for my first three months this year. Considerably less than I was doing, say, two years ago, but much faster.

USRPT distance this year: 81,400m
Total distance this year: 83,950m

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