Had to skip Monday. The cellar is being tanked out and split into several rooms and I needed to be around to sort out some details with the builder. More of that in another post or several.
Today I managed to start what I planned to do at the beginning of the month. That is, switch to swimming USRPT sessions instead of longer, slower distances, though given how far I’ve been knocked back by being ill I still had to make things quite easy so I can find a suitable starting point. Today my session was:
500m front crawl warm-up
25 x 50m front crawl, target time 60s, rest interval 25s
200m front crawl swim down
Ended up having to skip two 50s early on (numbers 6 and 8), but did ok from there.
USRPT distance this year: 1,150m
Total distance this year: 17,650m