Swimming, 23rd June 2017

Well, today was really quite hard. I could very much feel the tiredness in my arms from the week’s exertions in the pool. Fortunately for me the Friday pool sessions are shorter, so it was just a question of hanging in there. I swam 1,500m front crawl, made up to 2,000m with kick and pull bilateral breathing practice. I could perhaps have found time for another 100m but I decided not to push my luck with the pool staff.

Hopefully I’ll be able to make it over 50km for the month next week depending on how things go. That would easily make June my best month yet. I’m not sure there’ll be time to swim on Friday though, so I may not make much headway against my target for the year.

Total distance for the month: 42,200m
Total distance for this year: 237,200m
Distance compared to annual target: 12,800m under

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