Today I finally decided to move on to the next Swimfit session, which was comparatively short, but involved quite a few pairs of fast/slow lengths:
20 lengths front crawl
1 minute rest
6 x 1 length front crawl, 20 seconds rest
6 minutes front crawl, alternating slow/fast lengths
rest until breathing returns to normal
same number of lengths as previous set, but faster, 15 seconds rest after each length
3 minutes breaststroke, alternating slow/fast lengths
1 minute rest
6 lengths easy front crawl
I made up the distance to 2,500m with more front crawl and 300m front crawl kick practising breathing to the right.
This wasn’t a bad session at all. I think I managed twelve lengths in the six minutes of front crawl, but was slowing down quite noticeably towards the last. In the breaststroke I think I only managed four lengths. I feel as though I could justify repeating this session once more later this week and then moving on again.
Total distance for the month: 40,100m
Total distance for this year: 187,500m
Distance compared to annual target: 16,500m under